The Tulane Supporting Impactful Publications (SIP) assists in covering fees to support open access options for high impact peer-reviewed publications for Tulane scholars serving as corresponding authors who do not have grant or other funds available to cover them. This program is funded and coordinated by the University Office of Academic Affairs and Provost with additional financial and other support from the Tulane Libraries.
The purpose of SIP is to encourage Tulane scholars to take advantage of open access publishing opportunities for high impact/top tier journals and promote broad access of the exciting work by Tulane scholars. The goal is to maximize access to important Tulane publications in high quality/high impact journals that have open access options (hybrid journals). Effective September 1, 2021, this program is no longer supporting open access-only journals. Open access literature is digital and free to the public; this barrier-free access gives colleagues, researchers, and the general public the ability to read the scholarly output of Tulane scholars. Fostering the open sharing of knowledge in such esteemed journals, will nurture innovation and cross-disciplinary collaborations and can increase the impact of Tulane research.
Applicant Eligibility
Current Tulane scholars (faculty, staff, students, trainees) who: (1) are the corresponding authors on accepted (but not yet published) high quality publications which list Tulane University as the primary institutional affiliation, and (2) have no funding to pay for the open access publication charges are eligible to apply.
Eligible applicants may apply for funds once a peer reviewed journal article has been accepted for publication in a journal with impact factor of 8 or above. Applications for journals with impact factors <8 will also be considered for funding when the corresponding author provides a compelling case to do so or evidence (JCI, journal quartile, etc.) that supports that the journal is high impact for their field. One application may be submitted per eligible publication.
Authors must verify that the journal and/or publisher will not impose an embargo on the article once open access publishing fees are paid.
Please note: Tulane Scholars are encouraged to budget for open access article charges in future grant proposals, as funders such as the NIH will cover these costs.
Publication Types and Amounts Covered
The publication must be in a high impact journal with an open access option. Effective September 1, 2021, this program is no longer supporting open access-only journals.
Awardees will be given up to $3,000 per article to cover open access processing and publication fees. Only one author per publication may apply for these funds. Eligible Tulane scholars may be awarded a maximum of one (1) open access article within a 12 month period. These funds will cover fees for the awarded article only and any unused funds are nontransferrable.
It is expected that the open access fee will be processed within four (4) weeks of notification of the SIPS award
Funds are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Application | Completed Application & Questions |
Click here to begin the application process | Contact Eric Roque: eroque@tulane.edu Yesenia Medina: ymedina@tulane.edu |
Helpful Links
- Guidelines and Procedures
- Tulane Library Scholarly Impact Research Guide
- Tulane Library Open Access Guide
- Tulane Library Tips for Enhancing Your Research Impact
Completed applications and questions can be emailed to aapops@tulane.edu.