Visiting scholar Dr. Maureen Zell listens to a presentation as part of Architecture's Faculty Networking Seminar.

Visiting scholar Dr. Maureen Zell listens to a presentation as part of Architecture's Faculty Networking Seminar.


Faculty Networking Seminars were established with support from the DW Mitchell Lecture Fund to enable tenure-track faculty (especially junior faculty) to form more robust national/international mentoring networks.  This fund supports campus visits by senior faculty from other institutions to present their academic work to the community as well as participate in state-of-the-discipline discussions with Tulane faculty.  Most importantly, the expectation will be that while at Tulane, these visiting colleagues will also spend time with the sponsoring faculty member(s) reviewing their work and academic trajectory.


Application Deadline Completed Application 

& Questions
Click here to begin the application process Spring 2025 Applications are due by

5:00 PM CT on November 1st, 2024

Application Details

Host Materials

Completed networking host packets and receipts can be emailed to

Previous Faculty Networking Seminars