Faculty Networking Seminars vary in style and content based on the needs and interests of the sponsoring faculty member(s).  However, they all seek to involve participants who can benefit from the wisdom and career success of the visiting faculty member.

Below is a sampling of activities that took place during select past Faculty Networking Seminars:

Architecture (Spring 2015): Lecture open to the general public followed by reception and discussion; One-on-one meetings with sponsoring faculty members to review CVs and tenure dossiers; Studio design reviews of TSA faculty

Art History (Fall 2014): Public lecture on recent research; Seminar for faculty on the state of research in the field; Working lunch with the faculty members to advise individuals as to their current career plans and research trajectory.

Global Environmental Health Sciences (Spring 2014): Lecture open to the general public; Small seminar of faculty to discuss state of field and its future; Work one-on-one with the sponsoring faculty members to review CVs and research and publication strategies during a working lunch/dinner

Marketing (Fall 2014): Public colloquium to broader academic community - targeted towards business and psychology - with following reception; Lunchtime brownbag seminar for set of faculty members directly interested in topic of consumer regret; Time set aside to meet with faculty members for one on one discussions; Time set aside for sponsoring faculty member to work with visitor on brainstorming new research projects and feedback on current projects.

2018-2019 (Fall)

Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Test Test Test

2017-2018 (Spring)

Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Katherine Andrinopoulos Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences

Deanna Kerrigan
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins University
March 2018

Allison Emmerson Classical Studies

John Bodel
Professor and Director
Brown University
February 2018

Jana Lipman

Allison Truitt

History and Anthropology

Yen Le Espiritu
University of California, San Diego
April 2018

Jianwei Sun Physics and Engineering Physics

Arun Bansil
Northwestern University
April 2018

T. Cooper Woods Physiology

Thomas J. Cunningham
Professor and Dean
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
January 2018

2017-2018 (Fall)

Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Andy Horowitz History

Lizabeth Cohen
Harvard University
October 2017

Nirbhay Kumar Tropical Medicine

Peter Agre
Professor and Director
Johns Hopkins University
Fall 2017

Jason Nesbitt Anthropology

John W. Rick
Associate Professor
Stanford University
September 2017

Xuhui (Nick) Pan Finance

Gurdip S. Bakshi
Dean's Professor of Finance
University of Maryland
October 2017

Huaizhen Qin Global Biostatisitics and Data Science

Momiao Xiong
University of Texas
October 2017

Oliver Sensen Philosophy

Paul Guyer
Jonathan Nelson University
Fall 2017

Benjamin Smith Architecture

Mary McLeod
Columbia University
October 2017

2016-2017 (Spring)

Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Emily Baker Architecture

Bradley Bell
Associate Professor
University of Texas

February 24, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Architecture Building

Alessandra Bazzano Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences

Peter J. Winch
Johns Hopkins University

Michael Brumbaugh Classical Studies

Ivana Petrovich
University of Virginia

February 9, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Woldenberg Art Center 210

Amanda Heitz Finance

Tracy Wang
Associate Professor
University of Minnesota

Parisa Kordjamshidi Computer Science

Fei Liu
Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida

February 13, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Stanley Thomas Building, Room 302

2016-2017 (Fall)

Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Kate Adams English

Susan K. Harris
Hall Distinguished Professor of American Literature & Culture, Emeritus
University of Kansas

Julie Albert Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Karen I. Winey
Professor and TowerBrook Foundation Faculty Fellow of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Pennsylvania

Fenglei He Cell and Molecular Biology

Joan Richtsmeier
Distinguished Professor of Anthropology
Penn State University


Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Kevin Morris Philosophy

Thomas Polger
Department Head, Professor of Philosophy
University of Cincinati

Janet Schwartz Marketing

Deborah Small
Laura and John J. Pomerantz Professor of Marketing, Professor of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania

Shusheng Wang Cell and Molecular Biology

Gerard Lutty
Director, Ocular Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis Laboratory, Professor of Ophthalmology
Johns Hopkins University

Victor Holtcamp Theatre and Dance

Kimberly Jannarone
Visiting Professor, Yale School of Drama, Beinecke Fellow, Yale Repertory Theater
Yale University

Karissa Haugeberg History

Rebecca Kluchin
Associate Professor of History
Sacramento State University

Aaron Collier Studio Art

Jered Sprecher
Associate Professor, School of Art, College of Arts & Sciences
University of Tennessee

Tiffany Lin Architecture

Michael Hughes
Professor and Department Head of Architecture
American University of Sharjah (AUS)

Ferruh Yilmaz Communication

George Lipsitz
Professor in the Department of Black Studies and Sociology Department
University of California, Santa Barbara


Sponsoring Faculty Name Department Visiting Scholar
Karen Zumhagen-Yekple English

Rebecca Walkowitz
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in English
Rutgers University

Holly Flora Art

Cordelia Warr
Senior Lecturer in Art History and Visual Studies
University of Manchester

Emily Rosenzweig Marketing

Neal Roese
John L. and Helen Kellogg Professor of Marketing
Professor of Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences
Northwestern University

Taby Ahsan Biomedical Engineering

Sean Palecek
Milton J. and A. Maude Shoemaker Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Laura McKinney Sociology

Thomas Dietz
Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy; Assistant Vice President for Environmental Research
Michigan State University

Elizabeth Derryberry Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Hans Slabbekoorn
Associate Professor, Institute of Biology
University of Leiden

Ryan Glasser Physics and Engineering Physics

Eugeniy Mikhailov
Assistant Professor of Physics
College of William and Mary

Tiffany Lin Architecture

Mo Zell
Associate Professor of Architecture
Associate Dean
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Andrew Horowitz History

Ted Steinberg
Adeline Barry Davee Distinguished Professor of History and Professor of Law
Case Western Reserve University