The Committee on Research, in conjunction with the Provost’s Office, provides up to $1,000 for travel for faculty professional development activities at international venues (outside the United States; Hawaii and Alaska are ineligible).

Preference will be given to applicants who have been accepted to present a talk at an international conference. Those presenting posters, serving as a session chair, or participating as a discussant at an international conference, biennale or arts festival may also apply.

  • All full-time, regular, tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply.
  • It is anticipated that approximately five awards will be made each term (Spring, Summer, and Fall).
  • Additional awards may be made for Summer travel if funds are available.



Applications will be accepted three times per year:

Current cycle: October 1 for travel in the Spring semester (January through April)
• March 1 for travel in the summer (May through August)
• July 1 for travel in the Fall semester (September through December)

Applications will not be accepted or approved once travel has been completed.


Application Process

A COR international travel grant application should include the following:

• A completed application form(Please note that the form will not be available outside open application dates.)

• Attachments included in the application with your notice to present*, travel budget, and a two-page curriculum vitae.


International Travel Policies and Guidance

Applications and attachments should be submitted no later than the due date.

*A notice of acceptance to present or serve as session chair or panel discussant at the international event. (An application may be submitted by the appropriate deadline pending receipt of an official notification of acceptance to present.  A conditional award can be made contingent upon a paper/poster acceptance notification.  If the abstract is not accepted, the award will be withdrawn.)

Review Process

Awards will be announced by the end of the month the proposals are due.

Applications will be reviewed by members of the Provost’s Office utilizing the following evaluation criteria:

50% Event Visibility
Has the faculty member’s paper or poster been accepted at the event, or is the applicant serving as a session chair or discussant? Is this an invited presentation? If so, will the event organizing committee provide a travel stipend? Are papers and posters treated equivalently by the conference sponsors? What is the significance or professional impact of this event? Will there be press coverage at the event?

25% Faculty Development
Is the faculty member early in his or her career? How will this event benefit their professional advancement? How likely will this event improve the faculty member’s professional visibility?

25% Proposed Budget
Are the proposed expenditures reasonable? Are there other travel funds available for this purpose?

Grant Process

All approved travel expenditures will be awarded on a reimbursement basis to the awardee. Awardees must work with their department administrator to submit their Concur reports  Please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs for accounting information for submission in Concur.  University policy should be adhered to on all travel related to university business. 

Reporting Process

Awardees are requested to submit with the reimbursement request a brief, one-paragraph summary of their travel experience, including anticipated professional development outcomes and recommendations for program improvement, to the Associate Provost.

Contact Us

Any questions regarding the COR Faculty International Travel Grant can be directed to Eric Roque.