Yotsu, Rie

Rie Yotsu is a dermatologist, and with her interest in global health, has cultivated her expertise in skin infections. She especially has longstanding track record of her contributions to the field of skin-related neglected tropical diseases, or the ‘skin NTDs’. Skin NTDs is a set of NTDs which manifest with skin symptoms, such as leprosy, Buruli ulcer, yaws, lymphatic filariasis, mycetoma, and scabies.

Ting, Pengsheng

Peng-Sheng (Brian) Ting earned his medical degree from National Taiwan University College of Medicine and went on to internal medicine training at the Osler Residency Training Program at Johns Hopkins University; he completed his gastroenterology and transplant hepatology fellowships at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Terre, Juan

Dr. Juan Terré joined the Tulane University SOM - Section of Cardiology in June of 2022 as an Associate Professor of Medicine. He was hired as Co-director of the LSU-Tulane Structural Heart & Valve program at the University Medical Center New Orleans.

Molini, Annalisa

Dr. Molini received her Master’s degree in environmental sciences (summa cum laudæ) from the University of Genova (Italy) with a Major in Physics of the Atmosphere, and her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Basilicata (Italy) with a major in Hydroclimatology. 

Gonzales, Melissa

Dr. Gonzales is the incoming Chair of Environmental Health Sciences at the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.   Dr. Gonzales' community-engaged, translational research focuses on understanding the contribution of environmental exposure to health disparities and translating research for health equity and informed decision-making. She comes to Tulane from the University of New Mexico (UNM) School of Medicine, where her research and leadership spanned funded Centers of Excellence in environmental health and health disparities research.

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