Pearson, Benjamin

Benjamin Pearson's research focuses on media industries, policy, and globalization. He's especially interested in how European funding and policy impacts media industries in the Global South. Ben earned his PhD in Media and Communication at the University of Michigan and previously competed an MA at Dartmouth in Comparative Literature and a dual-MA in European Union studies at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and Deusto University in Spain. He's originally from Southern California. 

Park, John

Dr. John Park's research interests include housing policies and programs, real estate economics, urban development, built environments, community resilience, and social equity. He has extensive experience with statistical and spatial methodologies, including the use of Stata and ArcGIS to assess a variety of housing and land-related challenges. John will teach real estate courses at the School of Architecture and conduct research in the areas of real estate development, housing programs, housing affordability, land value, urban resiliency, and built environments.

Park, Hyun

My name is Hyun Park. My research fields is macroeconomics, monetary economics, time series, and monetary aggregation. I studied these fields at the University of Kansas. I'm from South Korea, and I'm married. My wife is in Indiana for her work. She is pregnant and we will meet our baby on January.

Lim, Chan

Chan Lim joins the Freeman School of Business from Purdue University, where he earned his doctoral degree in finance. His research focuses on behavioral finance and empirical asset pricing, with particular interest in extrapolative bias and neurofinance. Prior to the doctoral program, he completed an MS in Finance and BBA in Business Administration at Seoul National University.

Lei, Ming

I am a visiting assistant professor of marketing at Freeman School of Business. I just got my PhD degree from Purdue University. I am a quantitative marketing researcher and working on healthcare related topics now.

DeCelles, Naomi

Naomi DeCelles is a film historian and award-winning translator who teaches film studies at Tulane in her role as Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication. Her areas of interest include feminist and queer historiography, film theory, and public humanities; recent and currently active research projects have been focused on the relationships between historiography and power and on the ethics and poetics of reading the alternative archives and traces of historically marginalized people and communities.

Bliss, James

James Bliss is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Tulane University. He is currently completing his first manuscript project, ‘In a Field of Static: Missed Encounters with Black Feminism.’ His work has appeared in Palimpsest, Signs, Mosaic, Feminist Formations, and Feminist Studies. 

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