Goes, Paulo B.

Paulo Goes became the 14th dean of the Freeman School in August 2021. A native of Brazil, Goes earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and a master’s in production engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. After immigrating to the United States, Goes earned a master’s in operations research and a PhD in business administration from the University of Rochester.

Hoover, Gary A.

Gary Hoover is the executive director of the Murphy Institute and a professor in the Department of Economics. Since 2012, Hoover has served as co-chair of the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession. He is also the current and founding editor of the Journal of Economics, Race and Policy, past vice-president of the Southern Economic Association, and a fellow of CESifo Group Munich.

Singh, Anneliese

Anneliese Singh, PhD, LPC, serves as the inaugural chief diversity officer at Tulane University, where she is a professor in the School of Social Work and has a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. Singh is an award-winning social justice scholar, author, speaker and community organizer who speaks on a wide variety of racial healing, racial justice, diversity/equity/inclusion and LGBTQ+ topics.

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