Saas, William

William O. Saas is cohost and producer of the podcast “Money on the Left,” presented in partnership with Monthly Review Online. He is also co-founder and co-director of the Money on the Left Editorial Collective, which maintains a platform for publishing digital work that explores the historical and contemporary overlap between cultural practice, public policy and political economy. Saas is jointly appointed as professor of practice in communication and digital media practices and serves as research scholar with the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity.

Chambers, Jonathan (Jon)

Jon Chambers holds an MFA in new media art from the University of Illinois – Chicago and has shown work nationally and internationally, and in screening venues, galleries, and online, including the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, the Athens Digital Arts Festival in Athens, Greece, Powrplnt in New York City, and ProgramaLaPlaza in Madrid, Spain. He has held residencies at the p5.js Contributors Conference, the International Museum of Surgical Science, and the Media Archeology Lab.

Rajan, Romy

Romy Rajan is a visiting assistant professor working with literatures of the Global South, particularly from East Africa and South Asia. His research looks at postcolonial responses to contemporary forms of globalization and the ways in which such forms exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. His work stands at the intersection of postcolonial studies and critical finance studies, and studies the utopian possibilities embedded in work by contemporary postcolonial novelists.

Veeraraghavan, Lee

Veeraraghavan received her PhD in ethnomusicology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2017. She comes to Tulane fresh off a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh and is very excited to be part of the Tulane community.

Miles, Corey J.

Corey J. Miles is an assistant professor in both the sociology and Africana studies departments. His research interests are situated at the nexus of Black performativity and carcerality, with a regional focus on the U.S. South. His forthcoming book, published by the University Press of Mississippi, is titled Hip-Hop’s Vibe: Rural Black Aesthetics and Racialized Emotions in the Carceral South, in which he maps the ways the South itself is a site of carcerality, and how trap music is used as a relational space to contest and make sense of emotional and spatial violence.

Urbanek, Jennifer

Jennifer Cimmerian Urbanek attended Florida Atlantic University, where she attained a BA in English writing and rhetoric and a degree in interdisciplinary arts and humanities with a concentration in linguistics. She went on to earn an MFA in poetry from Bennington College and a PhD in English with a concentration in creative writing at the University of Louisiana – Lafayette. She is continuing her research in disability studies, queer literature, Southern literature and poetry.

Pringle, Thomas P.

Thomas Patrick Pringle researches the relationship between media technology, culture and the environment. Before joining Tulane as an assistant professor of environmental communication, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge at the University of Chicago and received a PhD in modern culture and media from Brown University. Pringle has held research fellowships with the SenseLab at Concordia, the Digital Cultures Research Lab at Leuphana University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Hoover, Gary A.

Gary Hoover is the executive director of the Murphy Institute and a professor in the Department of Economics. Since 2012, Hoover has served as co-chair of the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession. He is also the current and founding editor of the Journal of Economics, Race and Policy, past vice-president of the Southern Economic Association, and a fellow of CESifo Group Munich.

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