Santos, Tatiane


School or College
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


Tatiane Santos is an assistant professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She also holds a senior adjunct faculty appointment at the Colorado School of Public Health, and Adjunct Senior Fellow appointment at the University of Pennsylvania Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics and Penn Center for Public Health Initiatives. She is a core member of the COVID-19 Modeling Group in CO and leads the development of the CO Population Data Dashboard. Her research seeks to advance population health and the policies and institutions that support it through the use of rigorous research methods to address emerging questions on the role of several public health actors in meeting the social determinants of health. Specifically, her area of research focuses broadly on three anchor institutions that contribute to population health and equity: a) state and local public health departments; b) hospitals; and c) primary care providers. Her research leverages the implementation of several policy reforms including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other policies, to understand how these three key actors contribute to advancing population health and health equity, alone and through their intersection. Her research uses a mixed-methods approach including primary qualitative data collection and secondary data such as administrative claims, CMS hospital financial data, and data from the National Association of County and City Health Officials. She is the principal investigator of a study of alternative payment models for primary care transformation and behavioral health integration, and the PI of a study of nonprofit hospital and health department collaboration in health planning to address population health priorities.   Dr. Santos received her PhD in Health Services Research from ColoradoSPH, and an MPH from Boston University School of Public Health. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UPenn’s LDI and The Wharton School.