Beck, Casey

Professor of Practice

School or College
School of Liberal Arts


Casey Beck is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, producer and photographer. Her debut short film “Mongolia: Land Without Fences” premiered online on FRONTLINE/World in 2007. After completing a Fulbright scholarship in Argentina, she was the First Unit Director of Ballplayer: Pelotero, a New York Times’ Critics Pick. She was a recent finalist for the KQED Homemade Film Festival and has produced films for “NowThis,” MTV, FoodMattersTV and The Documentary Channel (Pivot). Beck premiered her feature documentary directorial debut, “The Organic Life,” at the 36th Mill Valley Film Festival in 2013. The film won Best Documentary Feature at the Santa Cruz Film Festival and was streamed on Hulu, FoodMattersTV, Amazon and iTunes. Beck screened her short film “Shades” at the Academy Award-qualifying festival Cinequest in 2019 and another documentary short, “Legion,” in 2020. Her two films about water contamination, “Downstream” (2018) and “The Great Divide” (2020) have won numerous awards and screened around the globe. She is currently developing a series of short films for Public Health Watch.