Shkreli, Linda A.

Visiting Assistant Professor

School or College
School of Liberal Arts

Education & Affiliations



Linda A. Shkreli holds a PhD in communication studies from Louisiana State University, with an area focus in performance studies. She specializes in stagecraft composition, performance pedagogy and consumer consciousness. Her teaching philosophies focus on creative empowerment, mental wellness and building classroom communities. Her current research interests include interdisciplinary oral history and designing performance-based strategies for the writing classroom. Her recent and in-progress conference presentations include research on mediated composition, Louisiana coastal and cultural preservation, visual rhetoric in critical photography, and the crossroads of artist-academic identities. In addition to teaching writing and composition, she has taught poetry and narrative performance, literary stage adaptation, community theater and social change, cultural studies, speechwriting and rhetorical discourse. She has trained, written, and performed for workshops and festivals in New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu and Berlin. She is currently working on a photo-poetry collage inspired by the lyrical psychogeography of New Orleans.