Culotta, Alexis

Professor of Practice

School or College
School of Liberal Arts

Education & Affiliations



Alexis Culotta specializes in the art and architecture of 16th-century Rome. Her research investigates the working relationships of artists and how the tensions of competition, collaboration and innovation drove artistic and architectural practice in the Eternal City and beyond. Her book, Tracing the Visual Language of Raphael’s Circle to 1527 (Brill, 2020), explores how the Renaissance artist’s style – one infused with borrowed visual quotations from other artists both past and present – proved influential in his relationship with associate Baldassare Peruzzi and in the development of the artists within his thriving workshop. Her newest project focuses on the digital visualization of this workshop and its various associates within an online platform that offers new ways to visualize the ways in which this network operated and exchanged ideas. Prior to coming to Tulane in 2020, she served as a lecturer in both the Art History, Theory, and Criticism department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Learning and Public Engagement Department of the Art Institute of Chicago. She enjoyed an appointment as a Scholar in Residence at the Newberry Library from 2017-2020 and has been invited to share her work and knowledge in lectures across the Midwest and around the world as member travel study leader for the Art Institute of Chicago.