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Davies, Susan


School or College
School of Social Work

Susan Davies joins the School of Social Work as professor and associate dean for research. She comes from the University of Alabama–Birmingham (UAB), where she led multiple NIH- and CDC-funded studies as PI or co-PI, and collaborated on many translational studies ranging from tailored clinical interventions to population-focused dissemination projects. Her research focuses on reducing HIV/STIs and unintended pregnancy among adolescents, and promoting maternal mental health and social support of caregivers living in poverty. Former studies identified family patterns and neighborhood factors associated with adolescent risk and resilience, and developed tailored cognitive-behavioral interventions to advance health equity. She has taught courses in adolescent health, intervention development, family and community health, health behavior theory, research methods and evaluation. Alma maters include Florida State University, George Mason University and UAB. She is excited to increase the School of Social Work’s research portfolio through multidisciplinary collaborations across campus, and she looks forward to working with faculty, staff and students to expand community-based participatory research opportunities in local communities.

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Education & Affiliations


Areas of Expertise

Expertise: Community engaged research
qualitative and mixed methods research
asset mapping
and tailored message development.


Susan Davies joins the School of Social Work as professor and associate dean for research. She comes from the University of Alabama–Birmingham (UAB), where she led multiple NIH- and CDC-funded studies as PI or co-PI, and collaborated on many translational studies ranging from tailored clinical interventions to population-focused dissemination projects. Her research focuses on reducing HIV/STIs and unintended pregnancy among adolescents, and promoting maternal mental health and social support of caregivers living in poverty. Former studies identified family patterns and neighborhood factors associated with adolescent risk and resilience, and developed tailored cognitive-behavioral interventions to advance health equity. She has taught courses in adolescent health, intervention development, family and community health, health behavior theory, research methods and evaluation. Alma maters include Florida State University, George Mason University and UAB. She is excited to increase the School of Social Work’s research portfolio through multidisciplinary collaborations across campus, and she looks forward to working with faculty, staff and students to expand community-based participatory research opportunities in local communities.