Capetola, Christine

Visiting Assistant Professor

School or College
School of Liberal Arts

Education & Affiliations



Christine Capetola works at the intersections of queer, Black, sound, affect and performance studies. She is interested in how both sound and "feltness" complicate ocularcentric notions of representation. She holds a PhD in American studies from the University of Texas–Austin and a MA in performance studies from New York University. Her book project, Sonic Femmeness: Black Sounds, Felt History, and Vibrational Identity, explores how Black pop stars, activists and intellectuals in the 1980s and 2010s used femmeness to navigate their historical moments of protest and pandemic. She is published in Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society, Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture, Bitch Media, and Los Angeles Review of Books and has work forthcoming in Journal of Popular Music Studies and the Oxford Handbook of Electronic Dance Music. She is also an essayist and music critic with a penchant for writing about popular culture.