Beckwith, Olivia D.

Assistant Professor

School or College
School of Science and Engineering

Olivia Beckwith is a number theorist whose research focuses on modular forms and their connections to algebraic number theory and combinatorics. Beckwith became interested in number theory after attending a summer math program at the Ohio State University. Later Beckwith completed a bachelor’s degree at Harvey Mudd College and a PhD at Emory University before moving on to postdoctoral positions at the University of Bristol (England) and the University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign. Beckwith, who lives with her husband, Hudson, and a black Labrador named Homer, enjoys running, attending live music shows, and taking Homer to the park.
Olivia D.
Assistant Professor


Olivia Beckwith is a number theorist whose research focuses on modular forms and their connections to algebraic number theory and combinatorics. Beckwith became interested in number theory after attending a summer math program at the Ohio State University. Later Beckwith completed a bachelor’s degree at Harvey Mudd College and a PhD at Emory University before moving on to postdoctoral positions at the University of Bristol (England) and the University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign. Beckwith, who lives with her husband, Hudson, and a black Labrador named Homer, enjoys running, attending live music shows, and taking Homer to the park.