Welcome to this guidebook on searching for faculty excellence at Tulane!

Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are cherished values at Tulane and critical components of our commitment to excellence. They need to be integrated into all aspects of our operations, especially how we search for and recruit our colleagues - faculty, staff, and administrative leaders.

Faculty hiring is one of the most important activities we engage in at Tulane to ensure academic excellence. Higher education is an intensely competitive landscape, which is nowhere truer than the efforts to find and recruit top talent. If we want to compete as successfully as possible, we must use best practices and ensure we follow ethical and legal guidelines. At this link, you will find resources intended to support you in understanding how to implement these evidence-based best practices in faculty searches.

Thank you for all you do for Tulane and your commitment to Tulane's excellence.

Anneliese Singh
Associate Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development and Chief Diversity Officer

Robin Forman
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost